Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Etsy (Finally) Open for Biz!

Scattered About, originally uploaded by Gigi & Big Red.

Hi all! Well this chick has been very busy! I finally (after days, months and years of thinking about it) opened up my etsy store! It took a lot of time as I'm sure my fellow etsy-ers know! I've learned a lot in the short 5 days I've been open for business! Take good pics #1 rule in my book! Your pics are like the frosting on the cake! Please come visit my Etsy shop and look at all my creations!
Pinks & Needles


Drewzel said...

Yay! Yay! and Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

I have just found your blogs and soooo happy I did. I love them!!!

rhondarhondarhonda said...

gigi u are adorable! i found ur blog because i am searching the internet for california-related stuff. my daughter is having a bat mitzvah (party for jewish girl when she turns 13) and her theme is california. we are from jersey but just love cal. so much (who doesnt) anyway your aesthetics are just like hers, adorable and pink and fluffy and feathery, as a matter of fact last year in school she had to do an art project and chose that wayne theibaud painting of the pie slices! you are very much alike! so i was hoping maybe u can steer me to some website or store that sells cool california-branded stuff, u know, that says "california" on it, but cool stuff not tacky stuff that i have seen around. your blog is perfect, i enjoyed it, and hope u can help!